Advantages of sending SMS via SMSAlert

Some of the most common questions asked by other potential customers are “What is SMSAlert” or “How does it work”. We recognize that not everyone has the necessary technical skills so we are more than willing to offer our full support and clarify once again at the beginning of this article about the “advantages of sending SMS messages”, so you will understand that those offered are due to the way SMSAlert works.

There are two main modes of operation, but both achieve the same result.

Android SMS Gateway

This method uses a company’s available mobile phones to send SMS messages. Our app available on google play is installed on the phone where it connects to our servers giving you the possibility to send and receive SMS messages through the control panel or to connect other third party applications. In short, your phone sends messages automatically.

SMS Gateway Hardware

This method is slightly different in that instead of a mobile phone we offer a dedicated hardware provided in custody. Afterwards the sending and receiving of SMS messages will still be done from the control panel or API/other integrations.

Now that we have clarified the method of sending and receiving SMS messages, the advantages are also there, and among them are listed:

  • Use of company number in sent messages. This is a huge advantage over the short number that a traditional SMSGateway offers, you don’t risk getting spammed on mobile phones because only you send SMS from that number (not hundreds of companies). If desired you can get a short or customised number directly from the phone company you work with.
  • Customers can reply to messages to ask for further clarifications, or if necessary you can automate the reply process through our rules system, thus getting a personalized experience for each individual customer.
  • Customers can save the number for later communication. Saving the phone number is another advantage in terms of long-term communication. With dedicated equipment the modem does not accept calls, but this is overcome by call forwarding.
  • Cost optimisation. It’s no secret that SMSGateway charges for every message sent, so you can get a monthly cost of over 80 EUR for only 2000 messages. Using our application or dedicated modem with dedicated SIM you become the SMS cost manager. For example the same number of messages can be sent with a subscription for 10 EUR.
  • Fixed costs, predictability. SMSAlert subscription costs are fixed and can give you predictability in terms of company costs, especially for those at the beginning.

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