Optimize communication costs with SMS API and SMSAlert

SMSAlert is a multichannel platform, in short it uses multiple communication channels, instead of relying only on SMS (Short Message Service) sending messages can be done on multiple platforms, e.g. WhatsAPP, Telegram or RCS messages. This offers more advantages to reach the target audience and the possibility to engage more effectively.

Here are some reasons why it’s more important to use a multi-channel approach:

Higher delivery and opening rates

Some channels may have higher delivery and open rates than others. For example, emails may be lost in spam filters, while SMS usually have a high open rate.

By diversifying your channels, you reduce the risk of your message getting lost.

To get a higher open rate SMSAlert has integrated communication with WhatsApp API, Telegram API and RCS messaging, so you can reach more customers without having to use multiple services from different providers.

Redundancy and reliability

Relying on a single communication channel can be risky, especially if there are service interruptions. By using multiple communication channels, you ensure that critical messages are delivered, even if one service is unavailable.

By using multiple Android SMS Gateway applications in parallel with GSM equipment, Whatsapp, Telegram and RCS messaging you ensure increased redundancy and reliability.

The SMSAlert automated decision system can distribute messages to multiple platforms automatically or make decisions for you, such as which is the optimal communication channel, sending via the same SMS API or web interface.

Cost-effectiveness and ROI

Some channels may be more cost-effective than others, depending on the type of message and audience. By using a multi-channel approach, businesses can optimise their spend and get a better return on investment by choosing the most effective channel for each type of message.

If the message volume is high SMSAlert distributes the traffic over several communication channels equally or based on defined rules in the system makes the cost more efficient. For example we can have 3 applications on the mobile phone each with another operator, so messages to Vodafone will be sent only with the application that has a Vodafone subscription.

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